AML, KYC, KYP identification procedures
Valcambi is a company incorporated under the laws of Switzerland (Company Identification Number: CHE-102.067.731), subject to the Swiss Federal Act on the Control of Trade in Precious Metals and Precious Metals Control Act (PMCA), the Swiss Federal Act on Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (AMLA), and to the associated Ordinances.
Valcambi is supervised by the Swiss Precious Metals Control Office.
As a leading London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) and London Platinum and Palladium Market (LPPM) Good Delivery accredited refiner, Valcambi conducts all its business to the highest legal, ethical, moral, and social responsibility standards.
Integrity, honesty, and transparency are the foundation of our business.
Valcambi is audited annually by independent authorised third parties to prove its compliance with the LBMA Responsible Gold Guidance in the current version.
To continuously meet the world’s strictest industry standards, Valcambi is committed to act in compliance with the regulations in force in all the countries where it operates, respecting the national and international laws.
Valcambi carefully and constantly monitors the introduction of new regulations and any changes to those in force, adapting its activities to the new rules.
Know Your Customer/Anti-Money Laundering (KYC/AML) and Know Your Product (KYP) process
Subject to its duties as specified by applicable Swiss and international laws, regulations, and by KYC/AML and KYP rules and standards, Valcambi is required to obtain, verify, and record specific business information about any potential counterparties prior to opening an account and establishing a business relationship.