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22 October 2020

Release of CRAFT 2.0 for Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining

Valcambi is happy to share that CRAFT 2.0 is released. Its development is an important milestone and a big contribution to formal market access in the Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM) sector at large.

Standards in ASM

CRAFT stands for 'Code of Risk-mitigation for Artisanal and small-scale mining engaging in Formal Trade'.
Many already existing risk-mitigation standards in gold mining were too high-level and unattainable for implementation by small-scale miner communities. The CRAFT standard however is the first to be especially tailored for use by these communities.
It forms a bridge between local miners and formal markets, leading to increasingly transparent and OECD-conformant supply chains!
The CRAFT website provides much more information for those who are curious.

Valcambi chaired the Standard Committee for the development of CRAFT throughout 2017.
We also provided input in the revision of the code.

The CAPAZ Project

The development of CRAFT is a part of the European Partnership for Responsible Minerals-funded 'CAPAZ - passport to formal markets' project in Colombia led by the Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM) and RESOLVE.
Phase I of the project was very successful and a second phase was implemented, which aimed at refining and scaling up the CRAFT standard.
Want to know how this was done in more detail? Read it all in the EPRM project deep dive on the Due Diligence Hub.